Short Rest Spell Slots Wizard


Arcane Recovery says 1/day after a short rest, you can regain spell slots equal to your wizard level / 2, rounded up, with the additional caveat that no spell slots above 5th level can be recovered. Land druids get the same thing. Anyone have thoughts on adapting this to spell points? I'm a bit surprised it wasn't in the DMG.
Specifically, the issue is that once you hit level 3, you could regain either 3 or 4 spell points, depending on whether or not you decided to regain 2 1st level spell's worth or 1 2nd level spell's worth. (I'm pretty sure every level X number of 1st level slots will always be the highest number of points you regain.) I'm thinking of just making the house rule that you regain a number of spell points equal to your level; that seems like a decent compromise while still staying near the top end. Thoughts?

3.5 Wizard Spell Slots

  • Mar 15, 2018  While sorcerers have Metamagic and sorcery points, most wizard archetypes allow the wizard to regain lower level spell slots upon casting a higher level spell of the correct school. Optimized, that can lead to a wizard casting more spells per day than a sorcerer, not less, especially when we consider ritual casting. Recovery on a short rest.
  • After each short rest you can regain a combination of spell slots equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (Minimum of 0) (For example; a wizard with an intelligence modifier of +3 can regain either 1 third level spell, 1 second level spell and 1 first level spell, or 3 first level spells).

Bards, Clerics, Druids, Eldritch Knights, Paladins, Rangers, Arcane Tricksters, Sorcerers, and Wizards regain their spell slots after a long rest. Only Warlocks regain slots after a short rest, if you don't count Elemental Monks, which regain their ki points after a short rest. Level 1 Warlock 3 points 4 years ago.

Wizard Spell Slot Table

So, I don't actually know how pact magic interacts with spellcasting. The wording on the pact magic is a bit weird to me and I'm not sure how to interpret it, so I figured I would ask here. Sorry for the stupid questions in advance
1) If I multiclassed into wizard, what happens to the slot from the warlock level? For example lets keep it basic and say I'm warlock-1/wizard-1. I get 2 1st level slots from wizard, so what happens with the warlock slot? Would it be another 1st level slot that can only be used on warlock spells or does it not work like that at all?
2) Can I use my wizard spell slots to cast warlock spells? If I were to go further into wizard than warlock, could I use my 2nd or 3rd level spell slots to cast a warlock spell? On the other hand, can I use that warlock spell slot to cast spells from my wizard spell list?
3) Does the warlock spell slot still regenerate on a short rest? This makes a slight difference in the case that #2 is true and you can effectively gain an extra spell slot in addition to the arcane recovery feature from wizard
4) How do the spells known translate? Keeping with the example, if I started out as a warlock and multiclassed into wizard, would I get the 6 starting spells from the wizard's spell list for being a level 1 wizard, or does that change since I'm multicalssing into wizard and thus get less spells.